尤其現今網路發達 大家便將網上聽到的信以為真,看到的便是事實 他們所謂的好,事實上他們從來沒有經歷過 卻幻想許多故事 什至令自己深信不疑 自己卻忘記了好好聆聽自己個心❤️ 他們的價值觀是屬於他們的 他們的經歷也是屬於他們的 為什麼自己的路,自己的生命,自己的待人處事態度要迎合別人及聆聽別人? 為什麼聆聽別人及迎合別人才叫負責任? 委屈自己的一切去迎合別人你沒有抱怨嗎? 生命是你的,路是你的 你想要經歷什麼也是自己的選擇 你的生活自己選擇自己負責 好好跟自己的心走吧❤️
We always listen to our Parents, Partners, Friends, our Teachers, colleagues, our Boss, Society, or even those people we don’t know…
Especially the growth of our internet, many people believes the reading is truth
Surprisingly, they never experience for it
But they believes those story telling from the internet, or from their friends They would never listen to their Heart ❤️ Their own value is from themselves
Their own experiences also from themselves
Why we need to listen to the others?
Why we need to please them? Don’t you complain or angry? Life is yours, also your pathway
You can chose what would you like to experience
We only responsible to our own life
Please follow your own heart❤️