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Embark on a transformative journey of mind, body, and spirit at the upcoming Mind Body Spirit Festival, where I’ll be eagerly awaiting you at Stand B71. Dive deep into the mysteries of numerology with personalized readings, offering profound insights into your life’s path. Enhance your spiritual journey with bespoke bracelets, intricately designed to resonate with your unique essence. Immerse yourself in a sanctuary of wellness, surrounded by an exquisite selection of spiritual products crafted to uplift and inspire. Join me for an unforgettable experience filled with joy, discovery, and holistic well-being. See you there!
10.00 – 18.00 Friday / Saturday / Sunday
10.00 – 17.00 Monday
Venue: Olympia London
Stand: B71
Hello! 大家好! 今年Manyi Healing 將會參加英國倫敦最大既身心靈展 – Mind Body Sprit Festival。我會喺B71號攤位等大家。響會場入面,我會為大家提供專屬嘅解讀,讓您可以了解您人生嘅方向同潛能。我哋亦可以根據解讀即場為您設計手鍊,能夠與您嘅獨特本質共鳴。當然,您亦可以盡情探索我哋豐富嘅身心靈產品,帶佢地返屋企,幫助您提升靈性同享受身心靈上嘅寧靜同愉悅。大家到時記得早D黎,同我哋一齊體驗一個充滿歡樂、到時見!
展覽日期 : 2024年5月24至27日
展覽時間: 星期五至日 早上10時至晚上6時 / 星期一 早上10時至晚上5時
地點: Olympia London
攤位: B71